Pupil Leaders

Our pupil leaders play a vital role in the success and development of our academy as well as being important role models for younger pupils and being ambassadors for the academy.

Academy Council

Our academy council are the elected, voice of our pupils. They meet regularly to discuss what’s going well, and what we can do next to further enhance our academy. They also make important financial decisions, like how to spend the Community Jar donations, what to buy for the Swap Shop and how to spend academy funds (like equipment for the playground).


Prefects are responsible Y6s who help with the smooth running of the academy. They move packed lunch trolleys to, and back from the dining hall, set up the hall for assembly, assist the lunchtime supervisors in the smooth running of lunchtimes and generally help with the smooth, efficient running of the academy. They are role models for our younger pupils and work alongside adults, helping our academy be a lovely place to learn and work.

Shop Keepers

Our shop keepers are responsible Y6s who run the Swap Shop. The Swap Shop opens Tuesday-Friday lunchtimes between 12:15 and 12:45, and 2:30-3:00pm on Fridays for VIPs. They assist pupils in choosing what to spend their dojos on. They monitor stock and order items (as directed by the Academy Council) and they are trusted by pupils and adults alike.


Accountants have a very responsible job. Every Friday, they are responsible for paying each pupil leader their salary (in dojos)!